Green Memories
In a dystopian future marked by extreme weather and destroyed by human wars, a group of scientists embark on an expedition to revitalize a deserted area. After installing measuring instruments, a terrible disaster occurs and the team disappears. A few years later, another team is sent to the same location to recover the instruments and uncover clues about the previous team.
It is during this mission that Cytra, a young scientist, seeks the answers she needs while dreaming of a future with a new green world.
Green Memories is an action RPG with sandbox and shooter elements, featuring beautiful pixel art inspired by other works from Gameboy Advance and retro games.
A demo was developed for Gameboy Advance, winning the GBA JAM 2022 and receiving awards in other categories.
The project is still under development and each update will be announced in our devlog.
Embedded GBA.Ninja template by hot_pengu and exelotl. Originally from the Varooom 3D project page.
Status | In development |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Rating | Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars (11 total ratings) |
Author | Tengukaze Studio |
Genre | Survival, Adventure, Role Playing |
Tags | Atmospheric, Cyberpunk, Exploration, Female Protagonist, Game Boy Advance, Pixel Art, Top-Down |
Development log
- Update v1.4.7Oct 25, 2024
- Update v1.4.6Aug 30, 2024
- Update v1.4.5Jul 04, 2024
- Update v1.3.0May 22, 2023
- Update v1.2.0Mar 02, 2023
- Green Memories em PTBR!Nov 27, 2022
- Green Memories First ReleaseOct 26, 2022
- Player, Animations and RPG HUDSep 02, 2022
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É revigorante ver que studios brasileiros ainda continuam produzindo games para o GBA, um dos melhores portáteis já criados. Curti demais a premissa, mas infelizmente não consigo fazer a rom funcionar no PC ou no portátil. Poderia dar alguma dica de como resolver? Pretendo fazer live dessa lindeza e ajudar a promover de alguma maneira. Desde já, obrigado!
Muito obrigado pelo comentário! Quais emuladores você está utilizando?
Retroarch no PS Vita usando core do gpsp e Visual Boy Advance no pc. Em ambos ficam a tela preta e um ruído.
É, o gpsp tem alguns probleminhas de compatibilidade com homebrews. Se puder tente com os núcleos mGBA ou VBA-M. Com relação ao VBA no pc não sei o que pode ser, se puder nos dizer a versão do que está utilizando a gente pode verificar qual o problema.
A versão do VBA no pc é a 1.7.2
hmm, essa versão é um pouco antiga, se não me engano a última versão disponível do VBA original é 1.8.0 Beta3, mas o VBA original foi descontinuado, e hoje o que vem a ser a sequência dele é o VBA-M, que atualmente está na versão 2.1.11, ambas estão rodando o Green Memories sem problemas.
Pode conferir ambas as versões aqui:
i am not using the arrow keys
Green Memories Gameplay
I kinda question making thirst hurt your health
Like you get hit by an enemy and it makes you thirsty?
Conheci vcs na retrocon e queria comprar a versão de gba ❤️
I made a QR code for anyone with a modded 3DS that can install games via FBI.
mano, dá pra jogar no my boy no android?
Porque eu fui jogar e quando eu entrava no jogo a tela ficava preta e não carregava nada
Olá Vogs, o "MyBoy!" aparentemente apresenta diversas falhas quando se trata de homebrews, nesse caso (Android) indicaria o emulador "John GBAC"
sinceramente a melhor opção pra emular GBA e literalmente qualquer console é o RetroArch. É um sistema de emulação baseado em Núcleos onde você pode baixar o núcleo do emulador que você quer e configurar da forma que quiser. É difícil de explicar mas é o santo graal dos emuladores. Da pra configurar o que quiser e jogar com a melhor qualidade e o menor atraso de input. Tem na play store pra baixar e é de graça, sem propaganda e é um software de código aberto. Vale a pena pesquisar sobre.
Eu conheci o game pelo canal do BrksEdue gostei bastante da jogabilidade. Está tudo bem pra vocês se eu fizer uma série de gameplays dele pro meu canal?
Olá Saka, muito obrigado pelo feedback! Agradecemos também pelo interesse na série de gameplay, pode ficar a vontade!
❤️ O jogo tá incrível. Eu sofri pra me acostumar com o sistema de stamina, mas a sobrevivência nele é fenomenal.
Amei o jogo, muito lindo e bem feito, amo ver como os jogos feitos com o Butano são tão incriveis!! Eu queria saber como vocês colocaram a ROM pra rodar em browser, tenho idéia de que usa o gba.ninja, mas como =\ ?? Parabéns pelo game =)
Muito obrigado pelo review! O pessoal disponibilizou um template como base lá no discord da comunidade gbadev, dá uma olhada lá, é bem simples de usar!
Opa, muito obrigado, espero ver mais jogos incriveis de vocês. =)
Having trouble running this on real hardware (game boy micro with everdrive). Any suggestions?
Hello, I believe that with Everdrive you will only be able to run with save type off
That does work, thanks!
This was a great game with a surprisingly engaging survival mechanic.
I like the fact that you aren't merely babysitting survival bars, and when they run low, you have to disengage from the actual game to go do some grocery shopping.
Because moisture pockets only have a percentage chance to give you water, sometimes you have to decide whether it's worth the risk to keep digging on a 40% chance spot, or whether you should sprint back to a tree for safety and that 80% chance.
Add in a robot chase to make that decision even more complicated, whether you should try and fight it out or run, and you've got a very entertaining gameplay loop. Tying the weapon use to the stamina meter is a very clever move to marry the survival and combat mechanics.
There were a couple rough spots I feel could be ironed out. For one, maybe I missed some dialogue, but it was a little unclear what to do at first. Speaking to the person at the tower north of the home ship, I was told to go east, and get better ammo to help me fight the robots. When I went east, I found a robot and shot at it, but because it didn't die for several shots, I figured that I must not be powerful enough to beat it, so I spent several minutes circling around the starting area looking for either an alternate path, or that ammo.
I feel like it would have helped to make sure that the player knows they are powerful enough to beat these robots, but that it will be difficult to start with. Either that, or prevent them from returning to the ship until they have killed at least one robot so it's obvious they have to press on.
Second, the combat would be improved immensely if you could hold down, for example, the L button to strafe. (considering there's only two items to use, switching with just R would have been fine) Since you only fire in a straight line in front of you, you have to back up, stand still, and wait until enemies are in your line of sight before you shoot. (this might also be less of an issue if enemies had a more complex movement system, kinda like enemies in the NES Zelda)
The story was ambitious, and it was definitely nice to have a lot of context for what's going on. It was especially impressive considering this was a game jam game. Overall, this was a very fine game, and I would recommend!
thank you for your very accurate review of the game.
the strafing mechanic is actually something we plan to implement in a final version, as well as the implementation of other items, collectables, and enemies with different patterns :)